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The uploader

  • Username: diesel
  • URL: www.yomelargo.com
  • Dedication: Sounds and programming
  • Member since: 2010-02-25 03:03:42

The packs from diesel

59 packs found
    • Pack Name: Seoul, South Korea
    • Description: A short visit to a memorable asia capital
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: Japan
    • Description: Travelling Japan (excluding Tokyo, packed apart)
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: Storaas festival in Norway
    • Description: Sounds of a summer stay in Norway's festival Storaas 2008, as volunteer and performing artist. Sized artists like Lee Perry were in the Line Up!!
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: Hong Kong
    • Description: A trip to Hong Kong and Lantau island
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: Helsinki
    • Description: A week In Helsinki for work
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: Coron
    • Description: Trip to Coron to do wreck diving. Philippines.
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33
    • Pack Name: train travel
    • Description: Sounds from a train while travelling
    • Date: 2011-03-12 17:56:33