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The data

  • Description: A night in Ubud, Bali,
    went to see the balinese dancing show with this special music and the incredible face expressions the dancers can do with neck and eyes.
  • Venue: Ubud, Bali

  • Uploaded by: diesel
  • Belongs to sound group: indonesia (Sounds from my round the world trip in Indonesia)

  • Tech details: tascam dr05
  • Tags: bali balinese dancing baile music musica indonesia
  • Added: 2016-07-19 07:46:42
  • Recorded: 2016-04-09

  • Filesize: 17.67 MB
  • Playtime: 15:26

  • Channels: joint ster
  • File format: mp3
  • Data format: mp3
  • File extension: mp3
  • Codec: LAME

  • Samplerate: 44100
  • Bitrate: 160000
  • Bitrate Mode: LAME3.99r CBR160
  • Average bitrate: 160000
  • VBR Method: LAME
  • Lossless?: No

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