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The data

  • Description: Rain in Abel Tasman track under tent
  • Venue: Abel Tasman track, New Zealand

  • Uploaded by: diesel
  • Belongs to sound group: new zealand (The sounds of my pass through Kiwi country.)

  • Tech details: tsca, dr05
  • Tags: rain tent tienda track hike camino zealand zelanda
  • Added: 2016-04-17 00:09:28
  • Recorded: 2015-11-14

  • Filesize: 7.13 MB
  • Playtime: 3:54

  • Channels: stereo
  • File format: mp3
  • Data format: mp3
  • File extension: mp3

  • Samplerate: 44100
  • Bitrate: 256000
  • Bitrate Mode: CBR256
  • Average bitrate: 256000
  • Lossless?: No

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