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The data

  • Description: Sound of the main party district of Manila, at night.
    This street is full of bars, pubs and clubs, and music comes out of them differently and exhaustingly...
    Theres no real underground feeling and the music is horribly commercial.
  • Venue: Malate, Manila

  • Uploaded by: diesel
  • Belongs to sound group: manila (Some sounds of the capital of Philippines)

  • Tech details: zoom h4 recorder
  • Tags: malate manila filipinas philippines music party
  • Added: 2012-06-26 09:10:34
  • Recorded: 2009-11-13

  • Filesize: 2.72 MB
  • Playtime: 1:59

  • Channels: stereo
  • File format: mp3
  • Data format: mp3
  • Codec: LAME

  • Samplerate: 44100
  • Bitrate: 192000
  • Bitrate Mode: LAME3.98r CBR192
  • Average bitrate: 192000
  • VBR Method: LAME
  • Lossless?: No

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